The kitchen is one of the most frequented section of the house. Considering the fact that your guests can pop into the kitchen from time to time, it is only fair that the place looks awesome and attractive. Here are top kitchen renovation trends that you should consider in your next renovation.

Neutral gray color is making a comeback

Gray color schemes are constantly making a comeback in regards to kitchen renovation. In order to give it some life and variety you can pair it with warm colors such as shades of yellow and red. These can be anything from chairs to wooden cabinets. For other kitchen fixtures you go for darker shades of gray. Notably, grays work great with the natural light hence its high recommendation. To enhance a vibrant look, natural light comes in handy.

Kitchens are going contemporary

Vintage kitchens are still popular. However, many kitchens are going contemporary with more innovative designs and alternative materials. For example, there is decreased use of ceramic in favor of stone and concrete.

In addition, kitchens are also going hi-tech with the ability to remotely control the sliding and folding doors using your smartphone. Innovative cabinet door designs are also being witnessed in new kitchens with designers looking for an aesthetic appeal in cabinet door designs.

Quartz still reigns

High-end kitchen countertops are made of quartz, which is very hard, anti-microbial and easy to maintain. It also looks elegant and can last for a long time. The alternative material for the countertops is granite. However, granite requires a little more care. Nowadays, quartz comes in a wide variety of colors and textures to match your preference.

Effective use of all available space is the new thing

Most of the traditional cabinet designs wasted a lot of kitchen space. Also, in some occasions, the available space couldn’t hold some items effectively. The current kitchen remodelers are getting storage solutions such as spice pullouts, utensils drawer dividers, caddies for pots and roll-out trays for other cookware to maximize the use of the available space in the kitchen. These solutions make it easier to store every item in the kitchen conveniently.